Michigan in July

People are always surprised when Ann or I say that we're going to Michigan for our vacation. The prevalent image that comes to mind is urban Detroit and decay. But Michigan is a very large state and much of it is beautiful. Here are just a few pictures from our trip in July.
The first, at the top, is the beach at the end of Mission Peninsula.

The second was shot on a dune near Charlevoix. The dunes were covered in flowers, and the birch trees in the background made this a perfect Michigan scene. And, while this is a bit of natural beauty, there were also the man-made beauties of the mushroom houses just 1/2 mile away. I suggest that you look at all of the pictures of these houses built from local stone a century ago. A few thumbnails from the above site are copied below.

The bottom line is that we had a great time in our three weeks there. So, as asummer draws to a close, enjoy the sights our our summer vacation.
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